Friday 9 September 2016


Today, 3C started a brand new behaviour incentive programme.  ClassDojo is an online tracking system that promotes positive behaviours and expectations.  Each student earns individual dojos (points) and all points contribute to the class accumulative total.

We are encouraging and rewarding some of the following behaviours:
Image result for classdojo
  • attentive listening
  • appropriate carpet time behaviour
  • cooperation
  • helping others
  • being on-task
  • participating
  • having a positive attitude
  • being prepared for school with required materials and clothing
  • transitioning quickly
  • tidying up
  • working hard
At home, ask your child about his/ her day and our ClassDojo system.  Students are really pumped about it and each day our dojos should be increasing!  Please look for the permission forms in your child's agenda, register, and return them to school on Monday.

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