Wednesday 15 February 2017

2D Geometry Quiz

The Grade 3’s will be having a math quiz on Tuesday, February 21st, 2017. For the quiz, students need to know the following:

Learning Intention:  We are learning to…
  • compare 2-dimensional shapes and sort them by their attributes.
  • describe relationships between 2-dimensional shapes.

Success Criteria
I can..
✓ identify right angles using a tool (corner of a piece of paper)
✓ compare an angle to a right angle (greater than, less than a right angle)
✓ sort 2-dimensional shapes by their attributes (number of sides, length of sides, number of       vertices, number of right angles, number of pairs of parallel sides…)
✓ list the attributes of 2-dimensional shapes (a square has 4 equal sides, 4 right angles 2 pairs of parallel sides)
✓ explain the relationships (similarities, differences) between 2D shapes
✓ identify congruent 2-dimensional shapes (same size, same shape)
✓ identify lines of symmetry and complete symmetrical designs
✓ use appropriate markings to identify parallel sides and equal sides on a picture

Students need to take home their math duotang in order to be well prepared for the quiz. They must bring their duotang back to school each day as we will be reviewing the concepts in class.

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