Friday 24 March 2017

3D Geometry Quiz

The Grade 3’s will be having a math quiz on Thursday, March 30, 2017.  
For the quiz, students need to know the following:

Learning Intention:   We are learning to…
  • Compare and sort three-dimensional shapes according to two or more attributes
  • Describe the relationship between two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures

Success Criteria
I can…
  • Compare and sort prisms and pyramids by geometric properties (i.e., number and shape of faces, number of edges, number of vertices), using concrete materials.
  • Tell the difference between pyramids and prisms (pyramids have 1 base and triangular faces; prisms have 2 congruent bases and rectangular faces).
  • Describe and name prisms and pyramids by the shape of their base (e.g., rectangular prism, square-based pyramid).
  • Accurately count the number of faces, vertices, and edges of pyramids and prisms.
  • Identify congruent pyramids and prisms.
  • Describe the 2-dimensional figures that make up a 3-dimensional solid

Students need to take home their math duotang and math notebook in order to be well prepared for the quiz.  They must bring their duotang and notebook back to school each day as we will be reviewing the concepts in class.  Thank you!

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