Thursday 25 May 2017

EQAO Preparation

We have been working hard to prepare for the EQAO test.  Grade 3s are writing the test on May 29, 30, 31 and June 1.

Dear Students:

The Night Before:

  • Prepare your backpack.  Bring a novel to read in case you finish early.
  • Get lots of sleep so you can think your best the next day.

The Morning Of:

  • Eat a full breakfast so you have lots of energy.
  • Make sure you're at school on time.
  • Bring a healthy snack.

During EQAO:

  • Try your best.
  • If you can't read a question, ask!  I can read you the question during the Writing and Math sections of the test (not the Reading section).
  • Remember to use the strategies learning in class (AEO, paragraphs, letters, persuasive, procedure, narrative writing).
  • Make good use of your dictionary, thesaurus, math manipulatives and calculator when allowed.
  • In Math, be sure to explain your answers using pictures, numbers, and words.  If you use manipulatives to help you solve a question, be sure to explain the steps you used.
  • Use full sentences and answer the words from the question.
  • Include detailed answers (infer)
    • answer the question
    • write proof from the text that relates to the answer
    • extend your answer by writing a connection or stating your opinion that relates to the answer

  • Write only in the space provided.  Do not write more than that.
  • Remember, EQAO is marked by people who do not know you.  Please write your ideas clearly (full sentences) and use NEAT PRINTING.
  • For multiple choice questions, be sure to choose an answer.  If you're not sure, choose the one that makes the most sense.  Don't leave it blank.
  • Don't rush.  If you need more time, you will get it.
  • Check your work when finished to make sure your answers are clear and detailed.
  • Relax! You know this stuff and you can do it!!! 
  • I'm proud of you!

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