Friday 13 January 2017

Oral Book Report

Today, I assigned an Oral Book Report to be completed at home.  I have modeled a Book Report for the students so they have an idea of what is looks like/ sounds like.  There is a schedule and you will find your child's due date printed on the take-home reference sheet in his/ her agenda this evening.

The students will take turns sharing their favourite books with the class.  Each child is asked to prepare a brief talk on a book that has been recently read and enjoyed.

Student Learning Target: To orally share and recommend a favourite book with classmates.

1. Choose a book you would recommend to others.  It should be a “just right” pick as well as a book that you really enjoyed, a “must-read”.  Be prepared to have your book with you for your talk. Stick to chapter books or picture books.

2. Your talk should include:
  • The title of the book
  • The name of the author
  • The name of the illustrator (if there is one)
  • A brief summary of what the book is about (but don’t give away the ending!)

3. Choose your favourite part to read aloud to the class.  Choose a page or a short passage.  Practise reading your passage aloud with expression.  Mark your place ahead of time with a bookmark or stickie.

4. Explain why you think other people would like to read this book.

5. Do some research.  Google the author’s name and be prepared to tell the class if there are other books written by the same author.

We hope these book talks will encourage wider reading experiences among the students in addition to increasing their confidence in oral communication.

The students may write or type what they want to say on paper or cue cards.  Some students may choose to speak from memory.

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