Wednesday 25 January 2017

Structures Quiz - Jan. 31

SCIENCE QUIZ POSTPONED - New Date Wednesday, February 1, 2017
The Grade 3’s will be having a science quiz on Tuesday, January 31, 2017.  For the quiz, students need to know the following:
Learning Intention:   We are learning to…
·    Understand the importance of a structure’s form, strength, and stability
·      Understand how a structure is affected by form, strength, and stability
Success Criteria
I can…
  understand the science vocabulary words used in this unit and use them appropriately
  tell the difference between structures that are made by humans and structures that are made by nature
list examples of structures made by humans and structures made by nature
   describe ways a material can be made stronger (folding, adding layers, twisting/braiding, changing the shape (triangles))
   describe ways a structure can be made stronger (triangles, cross beams, trusses, struts to avoid compression, ties to avoid tension)
  describe ways a structure can be made more stable (lower the centre of gravity, make it shorter, balance material)
Students need to take home their science package and duotang in order to be well prepared for the quiz.  They must bring their package and duotang back to school each day as we will be reviewing the concepts in class.  Thank you!

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