Thursday 25 May 2017

Plants - Our Final Science Unit

Through our Scientist in School workshop, class discussions, videos, and hands-on activities students will focus on the following big ideas as we begin our final science unit: Growth and Changes in Plants.
Image result for plants

  • Plants have distinct characteristics. 
  • There are similarities and differences among various types of plants. 
  • Plants are the primary source of food for humans. 
  • Humans need to protect plants and their habitats. 
  • Plants are important to the planet. 

EQAO Preparation

We have been working hard to prepare for the EQAO test.  Grade 3s are writing the test on May 29, 30, 31 and June 1.

Dear Students:

The Night Before:

  • Prepare your backpack.  Bring a novel to read in case you finish early.
  • Get lots of sleep so you can think your best the next day.

The Morning Of:

  • Eat a full breakfast so you have lots of energy.
  • Make sure you're at school on time.
  • Bring a healthy snack.

During EQAO:

  • Try your best.
  • If you can't read a question, ask!  I can read you the question during the Writing and Math sections of the test (not the Reading section).
  • Remember to use the strategies learning in class (AEO, paragraphs, letters, persuasive, procedure, narrative writing).
  • Make good use of your dictionary, thesaurus, math manipulatives and calculator when allowed.
  • In Math, be sure to explain your answers using pictures, numbers, and words.  If you use manipulatives to help you solve a question, be sure to explain the steps you used.
  • Use full sentences and answer the words from the question.
  • Include detailed answers (infer)
    • answer the question
    • write proof from the text that relates to the answer
    • extend your answer by writing a connection or stating your opinion that relates to the answer

  • Write only in the space provided.  Do not write more than that.
  • Remember, EQAO is marked by people who do not know you.  Please write your ideas clearly (full sentences) and use NEAT PRINTING.
  • For multiple choice questions, be sure to choose an answer.  If you're not sure, choose the one that makes the most sense.  Don't leave it blank.
  • Don't rush.  If you need more time, you will get it.
  • Check your work when finished to make sure your answers are clear and detailed.
  • Relax! You know this stuff and you can do it!!! 
  • I'm proud of you!

Monday 1 May 2017


We are starting off a brief unit on Fractions in Mathematics.
 Image result for fractions

Students will familiarize themselves with fractions vocabulary and will identify parts of a whole and equal parts of a set.  They will practice dividing up given objects.  Students should focus on using the following language:  halves, thirds, fourths or quarters.  Standard fraction notation using a numerator and denominator are not required in Grade 3 but some students are comfortable using it and may wish to do so.

Science: Soil

Tree-planting in Oak Ridges and Willowgrove Farm were the perfect field trips to kick off our new science unit on Soil.

The Big Ideas are:

  • Soil is made up of living and non-living things. 
  • The composition, characteristics, and condition of soil determine its capacity to sustain life. 
  • Soil is an essential source of life and nutrients for many living things. 
  • Living things, including humans, interact with soils and can cause positive or negative changes.

In this unit, students will identify sand, clay, loam and topsoil.  They will classify the characteristics of different soil samples using scientific vocabulary.  They will learn about the positive and negative impacts of fertilizer and composting.  

Image result for soil samples

Monday 3 April 2017

Multiplication and Division

Beginning this week, the grade 3 students will be starting a number sense and numeration unit in math, which will focus on multiplication and division.  We will be incorporating problem-solving and critical thinking into this unit.  

We will be developing a deeper understanding of the following concepts and skills in class:  

  • relate multiplication of one-digit numbers and division by one-digit divisors to real-life situations, using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., place objects in equal groups, use arrays, write repeated addition or subtraction sentences) (Sample problem: Give a real-life example of when you might need to know that 3 groups of 2 is 3 x 2.).
  • multiply to 7 x 7 and divide to 49 ÷ 7, using a variety of mental strategies (e.g.,doubles, doubles plus another set, skip counting).

Students will practice making connections and explaining their reasoning in a variety of ways.  At school, we will not be focusing on rote memorization of number facts.  Parents who wish to support their children at home could practice multiplication facts to 7x7 and division facts to 49 ÷ 7.  Parents may also wish to focus on problem solving using real-life situations.  Parents may encourage their children to justify their answers or to find the best solution to a problem.

If you have any questions about the upcoming math unit in number sense and numeration, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Friday 24 March 2017

3D Geometry Quiz

The Grade 3’s will be having a math quiz on Thursday, March 30, 2017.  
For the quiz, students need to know the following:

Learning Intention:   We are learning to…
  • Compare and sort three-dimensional shapes according to two or more attributes
  • Describe the relationship between two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures

Success Criteria
I can…
  • Compare and sort prisms and pyramids by geometric properties (i.e., number and shape of faces, number of edges, number of vertices), using concrete materials.
  • Tell the difference between pyramids and prisms (pyramids have 1 base and triangular faces; prisms have 2 congruent bases and rectangular faces).
  • Describe and name prisms and pyramids by the shape of their base (e.g., rectangular prism, square-based pyramid).
  • Accurately count the number of faces, vertices, and edges of pyramids and prisms.
  • Identify congruent pyramids and prisms.
  • Describe the 2-dimensional figures that make up a 3-dimensional solid

Students need to take home their math duotang and math notebook in order to be well prepared for the quiz.  They must bring their duotang and notebook back to school each day as we will be reviewing the concepts in class.  Thank you!

Sunday 19 March 2017

3D Shapes in Geometry

The final component of Geometry and Spatial Sense this year is 3 dimensional shapes.  In Grade 3, students focus on prisms and pyramids.  Here are the expectations that we are covering in class this week:

  • identify and describe the two-dimensional shapes that can be found in a three-dimensional figure

  • describe and name prisms and pyramids by the shape of their base (e.g., rectangular prism, square-based pyramid)

  • compare and sort prisms and pyramids by geometric properties (i.e., number and shape of faces, number of edges, number of vertices), using concrete materials

  • construct rectangular prisms and describe geometric properties of the prisms

Image result for prisms and pyramids

Thursday 23 February 2017

Motion Geometry

Students are working on a mini-unit called Motion Geometry.  The focus of the unit is to identify and describe the locations and movement of shapes and objects.
Image result for motion geometry
Students will:

  • describe movement from one location to another using a grid map
  • identify flips, slides, and turns using concrete materials and physical motion
  • use motion vocabulary (a flip is a reflection, a turn is a rotation, a slide is a translation)

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Narrative Writing

Our new writing unit is centred around "Narratives".  Students are examining the elements of a story and assessing what makes a story "a good read".  Using mentor texts and strong samples, students will be writing parts of stories and later complete narratives over the next several weeks.

Students will brainstorm adjectives and phrases to describe different settings.  They will learn how to tell about the character through character dialogue and actions.  They will also determine possible problems and reasonable solutions before they begin to write.

We will be sharing our original stories with our peers and with our reading buddies.

Image result for library full of children's books

Wednesday 15 February 2017

2D Geometry Quiz

The Grade 3’s will be having a math quiz on Tuesday, February 21st, 2017. For the quiz, students need to know the following:

Learning Intention:  We are learning to…
  • compare 2-dimensional shapes and sort them by their attributes.
  • describe relationships between 2-dimensional shapes.

Success Criteria
I can..
✓ identify right angles using a tool (corner of a piece of paper)
✓ compare an angle to a right angle (greater than, less than a right angle)
✓ sort 2-dimensional shapes by their attributes (number of sides, length of sides, number of       vertices, number of right angles, number of pairs of parallel sides…)
✓ list the attributes of 2-dimensional shapes (a square has 4 equal sides, 4 right angles 2 pairs of parallel sides)
✓ explain the relationships (similarities, differences) between 2D shapes
✓ identify congruent 2-dimensional shapes (same size, same shape)
✓ identify lines of symmetry and complete symmetrical designs
✓ use appropriate markings to identify parallel sides and equal sides on a picture

Students need to take home their math duotang in order to be well prepared for the quiz. They must bring their duotang back to school each day as we will be reviewing the concepts in class.

Friday 3 February 2017

Valentine's Day

This year, Valentine's Day is on Tuesday, February 14th.  We will be exchanging Valentine's Day notes/ cards.  If your child would like to write cards, we encourage him/ her to include a card for each student as we approach this as a "Friendship Day".  Presently, there are 21 students in the class.  Here is a list of first names for your reference.

Image result for valentine's day friendsNickon                     Venus
Jaan                        Kenward
Heian                      Eric
Kaitlyn                     Danial
Ryan                       Sabah
Davin                      Logan
Sophia                    Beyazid
Dora                       Aaron
Beneric                  Joanne
Dian                       Peggie

Living and Working in Ontario Unit

Image result for symbols of ontario

As our Structures unit wraps up, we will be commencing our second Social Studies unit shortly.  Living and Working in Ontario will cover the following big ideas:

    Image result for symbols of ontario
  • physical and municipal regions of Ontario
  • relationships between the natural environment, land use, and employment opportunities
  • affects of land and resource use on the environment

This unit will encourage the development of :
  • spatial skills
  • extracting information from variety of maps
  • constructing maps
  • drawing conclusions and looking for connections
Image result for symbols of ontarioTo support your child's learning, consider the following activities:
  • examine maps of Ontario
  • discuss how land is used in your community for recreation, commerce, housing, conservation, etc.
  • look through newspapers or online resources to find examples of people acting as environmental activities/ stewards.
  • discuss the ways we use and enjoy natural resources and why it is important to protect the environment.
  • identify ways that you already work to protect the environment